If you're a follower of Christ, you have a purpose in this world beyond merely being successful in your career or enjoying your life together with your family and friends. If that's all you care about, you're wasting the time, talents and treasures God has entrusted to you. Invest them to serve others. Help others to know the love of God, and in so doing, lead them to trust in Jesus instead of themselves. Patiently teach them how to follow the Lord day by day. Show them how they can serve the Lord also just like you do. Do it by your example. If necessary, use words. Use every platform you have to bring as many people as possible to the kingdom of God and to live in it successfully. Think of creative ways and means to influence others to know and obey the Lord. In today's technological world, there are many opportunities, if only you will explore them. Don't waste your time, talents, and treasures -- use them for God's glory. That's the reason why you're here. (http://m.me/rlccphil)
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