Hebrews 4:12 NIV
Your heart is the invisible real you. This is where your thoughts, emotions, and will come from. It is formed by your interactions, engagements and experiences, sometimes willingly and at other times unwillingly.
You decide where your heart will go, to what or to whom it will be open to, and this in turn affects what you store in it. However, your heart also directs you, causing you to be open to certain things, people, or experiences. Thus your heart is also the director of your life. You just don't direct it; it directs you. You go where your heart wants you to go.
At the same time, your heart is always laid bare before God. You can hide your heart from others, and even from yourself, but you cannot hide from God. In truth, your heart has many levels. It has surface levels as well as deeper levels. You're conscious of the surface levels, that's for sure, but the deeper levels are always hidden from you. However, they are never hidden from God. What you are not conscious of inevitably controls you, and you are helpless, unless God reveals it to you. His word actually penetrates the deepest part of you, and that's grace. Through this revelation, and if you're honest and humble, your heart can be transformed by the power of God. He engages with you at your deepest heart level, through His word, and when He does, you should direct your heart to listen to Him. Shalom! (PB)
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